Tag: Allen County Sheriff David Gladieux
USF offering chance to participate in MLK Day activities
Paying tribute to Dr. King through "A Day On, Not a Day Off" and a panel discussion later in the week will provide opportunities for all to learn more about this great man's life and times, and to serve at campus activities and local agencies in the community.
Sheriff’s Department hiring four veteran police officers
Today, the Allen County Sheriff's Department hired four veteran police officers from surrounding police departments as Allen County Police Officers.
ACNA quarterly meeting – 4/28/2015
The next quarterly meeting of the Allen County Neighborhoods Association will be held Tuesday, April 28, from 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Photos and video from DOJ’s Tuesday announcement of cocaine bust
Photos and video from the announcement of two indictments in what is alleged to be the largest cocaine distribution network in the Ft. Wayne area.