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FWPD: Suspicious Injuries Investigation

The FWPD was called to assist fire and medic personnel at the scene of a reported fall of an individual located at 1724 Tecumseh Street.
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FWPD: Suicide Threats/Death Investigation

On Tuesday, August 6, 2013, at 12:23 AM, the City of Fort Wayne Police Department responded to an adult male making suicide threats in an apartment in the 2400 block of Bolton Dr.
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Reynolds Street house fire with fatality

Fort Wayne Fire Department's Engine 9 responded to a fire service call by an off-duty firefighter who reported smelling smoke in the area along Wayne Trace/New Haven Ave.
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FWPD: Shooting Investigation

On Wednesday July 31,2013 at approximately 8:13 PM, the Fort Wayne Police Department responded to the 2700 block of Millbrook Drive in reference to a shooting investigation.
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FWPD: Fatal Accident Investigation

The Fort Wayne Police Department responded to the intersection of Coombs and Herbert in reference to a personal injury accident.
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FWPD: Death Investigation

On July 18, 2013 at 12:32 p.m., officers of the Fort Wayne Police Department were dispatched to a home in the 1700 block of High Street in reference to a body discovered in the back yard of that home.
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FWFD: Structure fire at 3215 Senate Avenue

The Fort Wayne Fire Department responded to a reported structure fire at 3215 Senate Ave.
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Domestic Battery / Fatal Shooting Investigation

On Wednesday, 05/29/2013, at approximately 10:23 PM, the City of Fort Wayne Police Department responded to the 5000 block of Wisteria Lane reference a domestic battery in progress.
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FWPD: Fatal Shooting Investigation

On Tuesday, May 28, 2013 at approximately 11:37 P.M., the Fort Wayne Police Department responded to the 1300 block of Huron Street on a report of a male shot.
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FWPD: Fatal Hit-Skip Accident

On Monday, May 27, 2013, at 11:48 P.M., the City of Fort Wayne Police Department responded to the 3400 block of W. Coliseum Blvd on a report of a man down in a parking lot, called in by a passerby.