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Tag: 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

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Visit Fort Wayne announces Music Economy Study Initiative

Visit Fort Wayne has commissioned Sound Diplomacy to develop a long-term and self-sufficient music strategy that positions music as a key driver in the local and regional economy.

Allen County Battery Recycling Program: Stop the Spark

The Allen County Department of Environmental Management along with Purdue University Fort Wayne, has been awarded a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to expand battery recycling.

EPA announces $2M brownfields cleanup funding for North River site

Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced a $2 million clean up grant for the Former OmniSource South Property (now known as the North River site) in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

INDOT development of the state’s electric vehicle implementation plan

Today, the Indiana Department of Transportation announced that it has issued a request for information to inform development of the state’s EV electric vehicle implementation plan.