Harrison Square Photos – 6/9/2008
 Click the above image for the photo set, taken June 9, 2008
from the Lincoln Tower Observation Deck
Harrison Square photos: 5/28/2008
Photo set of the Harrison Square project area, taken from the Lincoln Tower Observation Deck on May 28, 2008. Click the image below for...
Various Construction photo updates
Photo set taken at the Lincoln Tower Observation Deck on May 13, 2008.
Click the above photo for the Harrison Square set
The Historic Wells Street...
Harrison Square Photo Update
A few photos taken from the Lincoln Tower Observation Deck.
Steel erection beside Ewing Street on the left side of the ballpark
Steel erection beside Brackenridge...
Harrison Square Construction Photos
Harrison Square construction photos taken April 15, 2008 from the Lincoln Tower Observation Deck
Construction Photos – 3/20/2008
Harrison Square Construction Area photos taken March 20, 2008 from the Lincoln Tower Observation Deck.
Also, a photo of the Steininger Center
and the Subway Sandwiches Restaurant, both under...
Harrison Square Construction Photos – 3/20/2008
A couple of photos from the Harrison Square construction area taken from the Lincoln Tower Observation Deck.
More photos to follow.
Altered Roofline Revisited
The altered City-County Building Roofline revisited, this time from a different angle - atop the Lincoln Tower Observation Deck.
Related AFW posts:
Altered Roofline
Main Street 1...
Flood Photos from Friday, 2/8/2008
Here are some flood photos taken last Friday in various areas of the city. I am still working on the backlog of photos.
Johnny Appleseed...
Harrison Square Construction Photos – 2/8/2008
Photo update of the Harrison Square construction area taken from the Lincoln Tower Observation Deck.