Another perspective

Another perspective on HJR-3 and gay marriage constitutional amendments

Another perspective on HJR-3 and gay marriage constitutional amendments by John McGauley.
NIPRA logo

Op Ed: Don’t let the train pass Fort Wayne by

A broad coalition of support is building in Indiana and Ohio to bring passenger rail service back to the region - linking Fort Wayne with Chicago and Columbus, Ohio - at speeds up to 110 mph.
Zach Bonahoom

Extreme zeal vs political savvy and why Republicans are losing

Extreme Zeal vs Political Savvy and why Republicans are losing
AroundFortWayne on facebook

Poll questions ask about winter weather forecasting

In a social media experiment, AroundFortWayne has posted two questions about winter weather forecasting to its facebook page.
John Gregg

Opinion: A lesson in civics and life

Letter to the Editor from John Gregg, 2012 Democratic nominee for Indiana Governor.

The politics of the Aqua takeover

While campaigning through neighborhoods on Fort Wayne's southwest side in 2011, I heard one resounding sentiment from residents: "We need water relief!" The city can...

Trine president share thoughts on college costs

News release from Trine University: Trine president share thoughts on college costs By Earl D. Brooks II, Ph.D., president of Trine University Today, more than ever before,...

The Lesson Plan for Affordable Higher Education

Op-Ed piece from Ivy Tech Community College president Thomas J. Snyder: The Lesson Plan for Affordable Higher Education Success Stories Show Community Colleges Are the Place...

Opinion: Can we work together?

Webmaster's note: This post was written by Corey McLaughlin and is his personal opinions and work. It does not necessarily reflect the views or...

Opinion: Want to rethink that?

I've been biting my tongue for several weeks now, it's time to unleash a bit... Thanks to AngryWhiteBoy for pointing this out: httpsv:// I think instead of...