Liz Brown statement on Mayor Henry ending his pursuit of gambling for Fort Wayne

Press release from the Brown for Mayor campaign:

Liz Brown, candidate for the Republican nomination for Mayor of Fort Wayne, released the following statement regarding gambling in FortWayne.

Mayor Henry announced he has finally ended his pursuit of gambling for Fort Wayne.  Henry rolled the dice with taxpayers’ dollars over the last two years while he hedged his bets on whether or not this would be a good move for Fort Wayne.  He expected state legislators to pass a law allowing Fort Wayne citizens to have a referendum on whether or not they would like gambling here, while never taking a stand on whether or not it would be good for our community.  He put the cart before the horse by spending over $120,000 to garner popular support for an issue that was shown not to be beneficial for Fort Wayne by the very study he commissioned 2 years ago.  Spending taxpayers’ dollars on lobbyists so that they can persuade our own state legislators to pass a law to allow us to vote on a question of whether or not we might like gambling of some sort in our city was ill advised, and I am glad he has decided to move on.

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