Ground breaking for Miss Virginia’s Food Pantry parking lot

Dan McNamara, President, Miss Virginia’s Food Pantry; Tony Henry, project coordinator along with representatives from Corporate Design & Management, Doug Hofer, owner; and Wayne Asphalt will broke ground on a new parking lot.

News release from Miss Virginia’s Food Pantry:

Pantry Parking Lot Breaks Ground After Fund Raising Goal Met

Fort Wayne, Indiana (September 3, 2024) – Miss Virginia’s Food Pantry is delighted to announce that after 2 years of fund-raising the goal of over $200,000 has been met to upgrade the parking lot to better safety standards. The City of Fort Wayne has approved 38 parking spaces which will take approximately one month to complete. Dan McNamara, President, Miss Virginia’s Food Pantry; Tony Henry, project coordinator along with representatives from Corporate Design & Management, Doug Hofer, owner; and Wayne Asphalt will be on hand to break ground.

A bit about Miss Virginia’s
Miss Virginia Schrantz opened her heart to anyone who needed help and her home was truly an “open house” for over 40 years to the hungry, sick, and homeless. Miss Virginia’s Food Pantry continues her mission with our Balanced Nutritional Food Program, providing guests with their choice of fresh meat options, fresh vegetables and fruits (canned if fresh is unavailable), breads, and eggs.

Who is served
Although only open for operations Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., for a total of 6 hours a week, over 1,000 guests (representing 3,000 family members) are served each week. Many of our guests are working poor and many are unemployable due to disabilities, illness or addiction. Our guests cannot reach their highest potential if they, and their families, are hungry. If that basic need is not met, it is almost impossible to focus on anything else.


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