On June 26, 2021, a Hamilton County Corrections escapee, Rafael Rosa III, was safely taken back into custody after being tracked down by State Troopers on the northwest side of Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Troopers Apprehend Hamilton County Escapee in Fort Wayne
Fort Wayne, Indiana (June 26, 2021) – Yesterday afternoon, a Hamilton County Corrections escapee was safely taken back into custody after being tracked down by State Troopers on the northwest side of Fort Wayne.
Rafael Rosa III, 27, of Noblesville, IN, currently serving a sentence for Burglary and Theft related convictions at the Hamilton County Corrections facility, walked away from custody on June 18th, and has been on the run since.
A cooperative investigative effort between the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department and the Indiana State Police led troopers to believe that Rosa was most likely hiding out in the Fort Wayne area.
At approximately 5:30pm yesterday, after several hours of intensive surveillance and intelligence gathering efforts, troopers were able to successfully track Rosa’s location to the Knotty Pine Motel on Goshen Avenue. Once troopers converged on the motel, Rosa attempted to evade capture by fleeing on foot. The troopers gave chase and quickly gained control of Rosa within a short distance, and without further incident.
Rosa was transported to the Allen County jail, where he remains held pending transfer back to the Hamilton County jail.
The primary coordination of this fugitive apprehension was led by Master Trooper(s) Brian Kreger, Joe McLaughlin, and Joel Lemmon from the Fort Wayne Post. In order to successfully and safely effect this apprehension, they were assisted by a team of uniformed troopers and plain clothed detectives from the Fort Wayne Post.
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