Fort Wayne Indiana Trails usage record

Fort Wayne Trails usage City of Fort Wayne Indiana

Fort Wayne Trails see highest usage record as reported in a City of Fort Wayne Indiana news release:

Local trails usage reached record numbers in 2020

FORT WAYNE INDIANA (January 13, 2021) – Residents continue to utilize the community’s trails system. Trail counts reached an all-time high in 2020 with 663,426. It’s a 17 percent increase from the previous high count in 2016 and a 45 percent increase from 2019.

The data comes from 14 infrared trail counters that track usage. This year, the City will have six additional infrared trail counters.

The growth of the trail system is one of Mayor Tom Henry’s top priorities in an effort to help Fort Wayne be the healthiest city possible and position the community for new jobs and talent attraction and retention.

This winter, trail users are reminded to be careful after snow and ice events, especially on bridges and boardwalks. If snow depths reach three inches or more, the City of Fort Wayne will remove snow on heavily travelled sections of the trail network, especially near schools, parks and popular destinations.

Important guidelines for the trail system:

  • Obey all traffic signals and signage.
  • Keep to the right and pass on the left.
  • Stay on the trails and do not enter private property or yards.
  • Stop for cross traffic.
  • Pick up after your pet.
  • Don’t litter.
  • Bicyclists need to call out or use a bell before passing.
  • Bicyclists should pull just off the trail if they have to stop.

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