AroundFortWayne Sunday Series: Joel Benz

Today’s first AFW Sunday Series features an interview with Republican Joel Benz who is running for the Allen County Council 3rd District seat.

An interview with his opponent, Democrat Susan Hoot will be posted next Sunday (October 26, 2014). The delay was due to a sickness at AroundFortWayne and had nothing to do with candidate Hoot. Our apologies to her and appreciation for her rescheduling the interview.

Topics covered during the interview include: Introduction, why Joel is running, the role of county council, the top 3 issues facing county council, if the City of Fort Wayne should share in the cost of the criminal justice system with Allen County, what the county council can do for economic development, tax abatements (tax defferals) and clawbacks, efficiency and streamlining in local government, the single county executive referendum and conclusion.

Click here for the video of the interview or click here for a downloadable podcast of the interview.

Joel Benz campaign website


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