Attorney General files complaints against Fort Wayne Abortion Doctor


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News release from the Allen County Right to Life:

Attorney General Files Complaints against Fort Wayne Abortion Doctor

INDIANAPOLIS (September 17, 2014) – Today, the office of Attorney General Greg Zoeller filed administrative licensing complaints with the Indiana Medical Licensing Board against four abortion doctors, including Dr. Ulrich Klopfer, who runs the Fort Wayne abortion facility. The complaints regard violations of abortion record keeping and advice and consent laws. Specifically the state is concerned with Klopfer’s actions at his South Bend and Gary, Ind. abortion locations. Klopfer, who resides in Crete, Ill., has been legally barred from doing abortions in Allen County in 2014 since he does not have a back-up physician with admitting privileges.

A release from the Attorney General’s office states:

“The total 1,833 alleged violations or counts comprise one administrative complaint against Klopfer’s license, filed with the Medical Licensing Board today:

“1,818 counts of submitting incomplete and incorrect terminated pregnancy reports, as required “by Indiana Code 16-34-2-5(b).

“Two counts of failure to timely submit a terminated pregnancy report for 13-year-old patients within three days of the abortion procedure, as required by Indiana Code 16-34-2-5(b).

“Six counts of failure to ensure informed and voluntary consent was obtained through properly credentialed counselors, as required by Indiana Code 16-34-2-1.1.

“Seven counts of failure to ensure informed and voluntary consent was obtained 18 hours prior to performing procedures, as required by Indiana Code 16-34-2-1.1(a)(1).”

Cathie Humbarger, Executive Director of Allen County Right to Life, said, “We extend our gratitude to Attorney General Zoeller for enforcing our state’s laws. We’ve been long aware of Klopfer’s activities, including his sloppy record keeping, which led us to file complaints with the state in 2013. We hope his hearing will be scheduled quickly so that the Medical Licensing Board can take swift and decisive action if he is found guilty.”

Read the Attorney General’s press release here.


About the Allen County Right to Life
Allen County Right to Life, based in Fort Wayne, Ind., operates out of a common concern for the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death.


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