Veterans Day Activities throughout NACS

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News release from Northwest Allen County Schools:

Veterans Day Activities throughout NACS

Huntertown Elementary
Principal Joe Meyer
November 11, 8:10 am – 9:45

Huntertown will be having grade-level specific assemblies throughout the morning. The school will have 5 Veterans coming to speak to students and answer their questions about their service time. These events are NOT open to the public.


Eel River Elementary
Principal Brad Zern
November 11, 9 am

Eel River will be holding a Veterans Day Program that includes songs, cheers, and reading a student essay. The program will also include a video and a Veteran’s Walk at the end. This event is open to local Veterans.


Hickory Center Elementary
Principal Rick Vorick
November 11, 1:15 pm

Hickory Center staff and students will honor Veterans by conducting a flag presentation, songs by students, student narration and poems. A NACS Veteran employee will speak to the students as well. The event is open to family members of students, but not the general public.


Cedar Canyon Elementary
Principal Kim Lochmueller
November 11, 1 pm

Cedar Canyon Elementary will honor Veterans by holding an assembly featuring a flag presentation, and a bugler. The 5th grade choir will also perform and there will be a framed flag presentation. Finally, the students will have an opportunity to speak with and ask questions to the Veterans in attendance. The program is closed to the public.


Perry Hill Elementary
Principal Barb Ihnen
November 11, 12:45 pm

Perry Hill Elementary will honor Veterans by having the Cub Scouts present the flag along with music from the Fort Wayne Police Department Pipe and Drum Brigade. With an emphasis on life skills, students will present songs, poems and essays to the Veterans present at the assembly as well as all Veterans. The program is closed to the public.


Arcola Elementary
Principal Kathleen Perfect
November 11, 9 am

Arcola Elementary will hold an assembly which will feature singing, presentation of colors, an introduction of the Veterans in attendance, and gifts for the Veterans. After the assembly, the Veterans will split up and visit classrooms to speak with students and answer their questions.

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