Political Party Committees raise over $242 million

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News release from the Federal Election Commission:

Political Party Committees raise over $242 million from January 1st through June 30, 2011

(Washington D.C.) – During the first six months of 2011, party committees that filed disclosure reports with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) raised a combined $242 million. National party committees reported the receipt of over $95 million, representing an increase in fundraising by 14.4 percent and 26.5 percent over 2009 and 2007 totals, respectively, between January 1 and June 30. Senatorial party committees raised $45 million, representing an increase in receipts by 2.4 percent over 2009 totals for the same period but a 4.5 percent decrease in receipts when compared to the same period in 2007. Party committees supporting candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives reported combined receipts of $67.2 million, a 38.8 percent and a 2 percent increase over 2009 and 2007 six-month totals, respectively.

For the complete news release.


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