Citilink awarded $2M clean fuels funding for bus replacement

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Press release from Citilink:

Citilink awarded $2 clean fuels funding for bus replacement

(November 4, 2010) – Good news. This afternoon we received notification of an award of $2,000,000 under the FY2010 Clean Fuels Discretionary grant program for the purchase of Hybrid buses. This award is in addition to the $2,000,000 we received for the purchase of buses under the State of Good Repair discretionary grant program. Total grant awards for bus purchases in Oct/Nov is $4,000,000. Citilink was the only transit system in the State of Indiana to receive an award through the highly competitive Clean Fuels application process. Indianapolis was the only other Indiana transit system to receive State of Good Repair funding.

While Citilink has previously received ARRA funding for bus replacement, these funds were awarded from Federal Transit Administration discretionary funds (5309). The local matching funds requirement ranges from 83% to 90% depending upon the type of bus.

Citilink intends to purchase eight (8) light transit vehicles to replace ACCESS service vehicles that will soon reach the end of their useful life. The likely
manufacturer of these vehicles, Glaval Corporation, a division of Forest River, Inc., is located in Elkhart. “The same companies who are suffering from the slump in recreational vehicle sales will benefit from this transit vehicle order. We are pleased to help our Northeast Indiana neighbors and improve the safety and efficiency of our fleet”, said Ken Housden, Citilink General Manager. In addition, many component parts are supplied by Indiana companies – over 70% of the materials used for bus conversions are purchased directly from or distributed through Indiana companies.

The remainder of the funds will be used to purchase replacement fixed route buses. These will be hybrid-electric buses similar to the seven (7) put into service earlier this year. These also will likely have Indiana components (Allison Transmission, Cummins Engine, etc.). In addition to environmental benefits (50-90% reduced NoX, Particulate Matter, Hydrocarbons & noise level) we have experienced 30-40% improved fuel economy and anticipate reduced maintenance costs. These resources can be redirected to expand/maintain transit service levels.

For more information on Citilink services call 432-4546 or visit the website at

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