Buttigieg releases third quarter fundraising totals

Pete Buttigieg campaign sign.

Press release from the Pete Buttigieg for State Treasurer campaign:

Buttigieg releases third quarter fundraising totals
First time candidate’s campaign has raised nearly $229,000 in effort so far; just under $158,000 to spend

(SOUTH BEND, October 15, 2010) – In another sign of his campaign’s momentum, today Democratic State Treasurer nominee Pete Buttigieg announced he had raised more than $122,000 in the third quarter, bringing the total raised to just under $229,000 and leaving the first-time candidate with just under $158,000 cash-on-hand.

The figures, which encompass all contributions made from July 1, 2010 to Sept. 30, 2010, were released this morning in conjunction with the state’s October 15, 2010 campaign finance reporting deadline.

“We are proud of the support we’ve been able to generate and are excited about our strong position heading into the final weeks of the campaign,” said Buttigieg, a South Bend businessman and Rhodes Scholar. “We’ve focused on the issues and have offered a number of proposals to get Indiana’s economy moving again while better protecting our money – and clearly people have responded favorably.”

Since officially launching his campaign in April, Buttigieg has traveled the state non-stop taking his message directly to voters and building a strong grassroots network of supporters. Thus far, the campaign has attracted the support of 1,191 different donors, with the vast majority of funds coming from individuals. The average donation for the quarter was $154.

In fact, Buttigieg has raised more money over the course of the campaign than the last three Democratic nominees did over their entire campaigns combined and currently ends the quarter with more cash-on-hand than his incumbent opponent.

“This has been and will remain a people powered campaign – and our fundraising proves that,” added Buttigieg. “Unlike my opponent, I’m not taking one penny of campaign cash from banks or investment firms that do business with the treasurer’s office. It’s an obvious conflict of interest.”

“As I have throughout this campaign, I am once again inviting Treasurer Mourdock to join me in this pledge. If he cares about the integrity of the Treasurer’s Office, he should do the right thing and return that money.”

In June, Buttigieg formally announced that he would not accept corporate or political action committee (PAC) donations from any bank, including those doing business or seeking to do business with the Office of State Treasurer and those that accepted federal bailout money. He also voluntarily capped the amount individuals employed in the banking industry could donate to his campaign at $2,400, using federal limits as a model.

A South Bend resident, Buttigieg graduated from Harvard and studied economics at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. Prior to leaving his job to become a full-time candidate earlier this year, he worked in the private sector at a top consulting firm where he specialized in economic development, retail strategy, energy and logistics.

For more information on Pete Buttigieg or his campaign please visit www.peteforindiana.com or call (574) 889-0002.

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