Allen County Right to Life to Host ‘Pro-life Boot Camp’

Press release from the Allen County Right to Life:

Allen County Right to Life to Host ‘Pro-life Boot Camp’
Free training is open to the public July 9

Allen County Right to Life is pleased to announce an evening of free pro-life training on Friday, July 9 at 7 p.m. at Concordia Seminary’s Sihler Hall, 6600 N. Clinton St., Fort Wayne. A first of its kind event in Fort Wayne, Pro-Life Boot Camp is targeted to those interested in learning how to present the case for life in a persuasive, effective and relevant manner.

Featured speakers will be Lila Rose, president of Live Action who is best known as the UCLA student who went undercover to expose illegal activities in Planned Parenthood facilities across the nation, and Scott Klusendorf, expert in bioethics and founder of Life Training Institute.

“We are pleased to welcome two of the best pro-life speakers in the nation to Fort Wayne to engage and equip the pro-life community,” said Cathie Humbarger, Allen County Right to Life Executive Director. “It’s not often that we have the opportunity – or take the time – to receive training of this kind. Allen County Right to Life hopes many will take advantage of this great opportunity to bolster their pro-life convictions and communication skills.”

Pro-Life Boot Camp is free and open to the public. No reservations or tickets are required.


About Allen County Right to Life
The members of Allen County Right to Life are dedicated to organizing, educating and representing pro-life issues in Allen County. As the largest pro-life advocacy group in Northern Indiana, we are united to affirm that abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia are negative, violent and primitive responses to complex social problems that demand genuine compassion and rational, responsible thinking. Furthermore, we denounce fetal stem-cell research and human cloning because they involve the willful destruction of human life. We reject the notion that society may destroy innocent life to solve any problem.

The Allen County Right to Life website

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