Cars given for outstanding attendance at Anthis, North Side

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Press release from Fort Wayne Community Schools:

Cars given for outstanding attendance at Anthis, North Side

Two students will receive cars this week as Anthis Career Center and North Side High School reward students who have made an outstanding effort to make attending school a priority.

Students at Anthis are eligible if they missed no more than two days of school each semester. At North Side, students are eligible if they missed no more than one day and were late no more than five times during the entire school year. The reward is based on outstanding attendance instead of
perfect attendance because the schools do not want to encourage students to come to school when they are ill.

The Anthis student will receive a 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee, donated to the school by Dr. William J. Lewis, who named Anthis Career Center as the beneficiary of the vehicle when he died last year.

The winner of the Jeep will be announced at 2 p.m. Wednesday, June 2, at Smith Field, 426 W. Ludwig Road. Nearly 300 students were eligible to win the car, with 30 students having perfect attendance all year and two students having perfect attendance for the last two years.

The North Side student will receive a 2002 Chevrolet Impala donated by Kelley Chevrolet. This is the fourth year the auto dealer and high school have partnered to reward a student for outstanding attendance.

The car will be given away during North Side’s Pride Day Convocation, which begins at 1:30 p.m. Friday, June 4. The give-away is expected to occur at about 2 p.m.

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