Major Issues for 2010 Session

E-mail from Indiana Senator David Long:

Major Issues for 2010 Session

Indiana state lawmakers returned to the Statehouse Tuesday to organize for next year’s legislative session. Because the state passes budgets in odd numbered years, 2010 is known as a “short session” and will adjourn by law no later than March 14.

However, next year’s short session may be long on major issues.

Hoosier jobs and the economy are on everyone’s mind as we prepare for session. With declining tax revenues, lawmakers will avoid considering bills that would add additional cost to state government. In addition, lawmakers will be on the lookout for concepts that cut costs, streamline government and deliver better service to taxpayers.

Historically, short sessions have been viewed as less active legislatively than longer budget sessions, but lawmakers are already writing and introducing what onlookers would consider “major legislation on major issues.”

Talk around the capital yesterday focused on eight topics, but other issues will surface as lawmakers hear more from constituents:

  • Alcohol sales;
  • Education;
  • Ethics enhancements;
  • Gaming;
  • Government reform;
  • Property taxes;
  • Redistricting; and
  • Unemployment insurance.

I encourage area citizens to stay in contact with me throughout the 2010 session which convenes Jan. 5. I can be reached via the Internet at, toll-free at 800-382-9467 or by U.S. Mail at:

Sen. David Long
Indiana State Senate
200 West Washington St.
Indianapolis, IN 46204.

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