WCBA salutes the TinCaps

The Wells Corridor Business Assocation is saluting the TinCaps and Parkview Field opening by displaying Tin Caps and bat and balls from the light poles along Wells Street.   More photos after the jump.

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  1. Stephen, the pictures from the observation deck are terrific. Thanks for putting the post of the salute to the Tin Caps on here. We are so excited to be able to add color, laughter, and some inspiration to motorists, pedestrians , and neighbors with our various pole hangings, especially these in honor of Fort Wayne’s Parkview Field! PLAY BALL!

    • No problem at all, Judi! They certainly add color to the street! I didn’t mention in the post, but there are several color variations of the bats along Wells Street. It is this evident pride that makes a neighborhood vibrant and welcoming. Great job!!


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