Technical Difficulties Update

The behind the scenes problems that I’ve been dealing with over the past week and a half look like they’ll be ending soon.

If you remember, AroundFortWayne has been hosted with two different host providers.  I decided that at the end of this month, I would cancel the one provider and transfer everything to just one server.  The company I decided to cut, 1 and 1, cancelled my account immediately, rather than waiting until the end of the month when my contract ended which was the option I’d chosen.  When they cancelled my account, they cancelled a place for the domain to go to which meant no email access.  This was a huge problem last weekend as I’d sent several emails about projects and such.  

The other host provider I had just couldn’t seem to get the DNS problem resolved which only added to my frustration.  Finally, yesterday, after arguing back and forth and being told the problem was with me and what I was requesting, I told my current host provider to leave everything as it was and I’d just look for another provider.  Within minutes of sending this email, guess what?  The domain began to mysteriously work.  

In the meantime, I’ve found a local host provider who’s giving me a great deal – and I can get that personal touch which will ensure less headaches I’m sure.  I am meeting Friday afternoon with him and will hopefully begin the transfer at that point.  There are a couple of issues that will need to be worked out, but I’m sure they’re nothing that can’t be worked out.  If things work out, I’ll probably spend the weekend moving things.  If I don’t post for a day or two, don’t be alarmed.  But, if I’m not posting, it’s probably because I can’t.  It seems I can’t go more than a day without posting something.

Thanks for your support!

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