Room For Your Dreams … and Convenience Stores!

I’ll admit, this was just too easy:

A sign has been posted on the Northeast corner of the Clay Street and Jefferson Boulevard intersection announcing a new Gas Store/Convenience Mart with a drawing showing what looks like a strip mall.

This entire north side of the 500 block of East Jefferson Boulevard is vacant.  This is the block right after Matthew 25 and the St. Mary’s Catholic Church.  For years, the half along Clay Street served as a junk yard of sorts for J.J.R. transportation.  All kinds of vehicles and transport vans could be found rusting away.  I wonder if they did an environmental study on the area?  This area is also part of the Samuel Hanna plot from way back when.

A quick search of the property tax records show the majority of the property to be owned by three individuals giving the same local address. The three individuals bought the property in April 2007 for $320,000. One corporation, Dignan, LLC out of South Bend, owns one parcel of the property purchased in November 2007 for $40,000.   A reverse look-up of the phone number listed on the sign reveals it is a cell number.

A note to all:  My apologies if you’ve missed the daily posts on the blog.  I was in a nasty car accident a week and a half ago and spent the first part of last week dealing with some injuries while the last part of the week dealt with the flu – probably a result of the stress of everything going on.  Then, we had a major event at work last weekend which really increased my pride in my involvement with my employers and what we provide for the community.  I have a back log of photos and posts that I will hopefully work through this week – including some photos from the event on Sunday.

Thanks to Dan for the heads-up!

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