The City of Fort Wayne now has a YouTube Channel. From the City’s website:
Mayor’s office launches YouTube channel for City of Fort Wayne
First posting Tom Henry’s address at Harrison Square topping offMayor Tom Henry announced today the start of the City of Fort Wayne’s official presence on YouTube.
The first video posted is Mayor Henry addressing the crowd at the Harrison Square topping office ceremony from earlier this week.
“I have no plans to be an Internet celebrity, but I’m looking forward to being able to share information and video directly to Fort Wayne residents and those with ties to Fort Wayne who now live elsewhere,” said Mayor Henry. “This is a new opportunity to communicate information about the City using a different and engaging medium.”
The public information staff plans to upload video from the Mayor’s events, City departments and possibly video from City TV.
The link to the City’s channel, with the user name of FWPublicInformation, is
The City has also posted photos from the Harrison Square topping off ceremony on the City’s website. The pictures are available at .
AroundFortWayne Photos
Thanks to Jeff Pruitt, Fort Wayne Politics, for the heads-up.