
City Council Special Session – 12/15/2020

Fort Wayne City Council news release:

City Council Special Session – 12/15/2020

(December 11, 2020) – On Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 5:30 PM, the Fort Wayne Common Council will hold a Special Session in order to complete outstanding business for the year 2020. This Special Session will include a Committee (discussion) session per the normal schedule but will also include Regular session, allowing for introduction of new ordinances and passage vote. Due to the continued increase in COVID-19 cases and to help ensure the safety of the community, Fort Wayne Common Council meetings will be held with only those required in person to conduct business and all others via conference call through the end of 2020.

Meetings will resume in January, once the building has reopened. The Mayor has placed this date as January 19th, 2021, pending consultations with the Allen County Department of Health. If that remains the reopen date, meetings will resume on January 26th, 2021.

The meetings listed will continue to be broadcast to ensure availability and convenience to the public, every Tuesday beginning at 5:30 PM Eastern:

  • Allen County Public Library streaming
  • Comcast Channel 58
  • Frontier Channel 28
  • Facebook Live
  • The citizens of Fort Wayne are invited to participate by sending their comments of up to 300 words to City Clerk Lana Keesling, and they will be uploaded to the city website as part of the record. They may be submitted via email to or mailed to the City Clerk’s Office at 200 E Berry St – Suite 110, Fort Wayne, IN 46802. Comment submissions must be received by noon the Friday before each of these meetings in order to be included. Later submissions will be uploaded with the next scheduled regular session.

    All Council information can be found at, including agendas, bills for each session and the links above.

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