
Candidate Burgess launches website

News release from the Committee to Elect Gina Burgess:

Vote Gina Burgess celebrates International Women’s Day by launching mayoral campaign website

(March 8, 2019) – Today, March 8, 2019, is International Women’s Day. In celebration of the day, the Vote Gina Burgess campaign committee for Democratic Mayoral candidate, Gina M. Burgess, is launching the campaign’s official website: The website can also be accessed by visiting:

The website features an extensive biography and tackles a growing list of issues concerning Residents, City Workers, Businesses along with various reformations. However, the website’s most special feature can be found on the homepage and the “About Gina” page, which prominently highlight’s a quote from former Democratic Mayor Win Moses.

The quote: “Someday, you [Gina] could be Mayor.”

When Gina was a 3rd Grader at Precious Blood Catholic Grade School, she was also a member of the Girl Scouts. The Girl Scouts took a field trip to the Office of then-Mayor Win Moses. During the field trip, Gina was a quiet but precocious child. Win took Gina by the hand and led her to his big executive leather chair. While sitting in Win’s chair, Gina looked up at Win. It was at that moment that he looked down upon her and told her that “Someday, you could be Mayor.” When Gina returned home from the field trip, she hadn’t remembered what Win said. She was just excited to meet the Mayor and vowed not to wash the hand that he shook. Years later, in 2012, Gina gave her first campaign speech and seeing Win in the audience, recalled that special moment. After the speech, the two of them talked. It was then that Win reminded her, again, that “Someday, you could be Mayor.”

This true story is a poignant reminder of the importance of telling our children, especially our daughters and granddaughters, the importance of how they really can be all they can be.

Years later, Gina is now running for Mayor of Fort Wayne. She has already made history by being the first female Democratic candidate seeking the elected office of Mayor. This history making moment has already been recognized by the Indiana Commission on Women as a “Women’s First.”

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