
2015 season FIRST Robotics Competition kick-off

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News release from FIRST:

2015 season FIRST Robotics Competition kick-off

EVENT: 2015 Season FIRST Robotics Competition Kick-off

DATE: Saturday; January 3, 2015

TIME: 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM, (Door #1 opens at 8:45 AM)

LOCATION: Homestead High School – Community Room, (Inside Door #1 across from Main Office)

NASA BROADCAST: Scheduled to begin at 10:00 AM.

LUNCH: Working lunch (pizza & sodas) starting at 12:30. (Donations from parents and or sponsors gladly accepted)

Olympus Robotics – Team 4982 will hold its second FRC Kick-off event on Saturday 1/3/2015 at Homestead High School. All student team members and official team mentors are strongly encouraged to attend this event at Homestead High School, since FRC Kick-off marks the beginning of the design and build season. Parents and any interested individuals from our sponsor companies are also invited and encouraged to attend. After a brief “meet and greet” session, all attendees will watch the official NASA web broadcast that describes this year’s challenge and is watched by all FRC teams at the same time. After the NASA broadcast, the team will begin brainstorming strategies while mentors and any volunteers available will begin printing game manuals. Game manuals can be downloaded in advance from but are encrypted and cannot be accessed until the password is revealed at the end of the NASA broadcast. The end of the event will be dedicated to an inventory of our 2015 season’s Kit Of Parts, which is being picked up in Michigan City once the NASA broadcast has concluded.

Any adult team mentor willing to travel to Michigan City, IN on Saturday 1/3/2015 to submit our official team roster and pick up our kit of parts should contact the team’s Lead Mentor at either or

We look forward to seeing everyone after the winter break at this event, and are excited to start our second official season as a FIRST Robotics Competition team.


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