
Help Super Shot promote and celebrate National Infant Immunization Week

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News release from Super Shot:

Help Super Shot Promote and Celebrate National Infant Immunization Week – April 20-27, 2013

(April 18, 2013) – National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW) starts today and runs through Saturday, April 27, 2013. Super Shot supports the initiative and wants to take this time to bring awareness to the topic and remind families of the importance of protecting infants from vaccine-preventable diseases.

NIIW is an annual observance that highlights vaccine-preventable diseases in infants. Additionally, the weeklong observance celebrates the achievements of immunization programs and their partners in promoting healthy communities. Since 1994, NIIW has served as a call to action for parents, caregivers and healthcare providers to ensure that infants are fully immunized against 14 vaccine-preventable diseases.

Super Shot protects infants through its Project Immunize. This special initiative focuses on ensuring the most vulnerable population is protected from vaccine-preventable disease during their first two years of development. The organization does this by educating new parents and caretakers and by providing immunizations to infants through age two (age by which 80% of all the recommended immunizations are administered). This initiative is entering its fifth year and has proven to be very effective.

Project Immunize has three components to keep babies healthy:

  1. Delivery of information to parents of newborns at local hospitals (each year 6,000 immunization passports are distributed);
  2. Placing personal calls to remind and recall parents when babies? immunizations are due or past due and answering the many questions a parent of a newborn has;
  3. Educate childcare providers on the immunization schedule and how to keep babies in their care up to date.

For more information about NIIW, visit


About Super Shot
Super Shot is a non-profit organization that operates an independent reduced cost immunization program ($8 per shot, though no one is turned away for inability to pay; Medicaid accepted) that serves children in Allen and surrounding counties with family-friendly hours and convenient locations. Last year, Super Shot served 6,969 children during 9,060 visits, administering 26,697 immunizations. Super Shot also sent 48,966 Reminder/Recall postcards, placed 69,658 autodialed calls and made 7,418 personal calls to families to help keep their children up to date. Have questions about Super Shot locations? Call 424-7468, or view the Super Shot clinic schedules at


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