News release from the Northeast Indiana Brownfield Coalition:
Brownfield outreach meetings
The Northeast Indiana Brownfield Coalition has scheduled Brownfield Outreach Meetings in each Coalition county. The Brownfield Coalition, comprised of 7 area counties (Adams, Allen excluding Fort Wayne*, LaGrange, Noble, Steuben, Wells, and Whitley excluding Columbia City*) has received a Brownfield’s Coalition Grant from the EPA to conduct environmental assessments of potential Brownfield properties within the coalition counties. The overall goal of the Brownfield Coalition is to promote economic development in the form of expansion, redevelopment, or development at potential Brownfield sites.
The Brownfield Coalition is currently seeking properties to be assessed. The purpose of the Outreach meetings in each county is to provide information regarding the assessment program to county and city officials, police and fire representatives, county and city building officials, redevelopment commission members, developers, realtors, and commercial bankers. The participation of the entities listed above is integral to the success of this program and in identifying potential properties that would benefit from assessment. In addition, interested property owners and the general public are encouraged to attend.
Please plan to attend the meeting that is most convenient and beneficial to you to learn about Brownfields and how this program can benefit your community, business, and property. The Brownfield Outreach Meeting scheduled for Allen County is:
March 5, 2013, at 10:00 AM at Citizens Square, Omni Room – Room 045 at 200 East Berry St, Fort Wayne, IN 46802
For additional information regarding the Brownfield Outreach Meetings, please contact the Coalition Team Leaders: Region III-A and the Northeastern Indiana Regional Coordinating Council (NIRCC). For meetings located in Adams, Allen excluding Fort Wayne*, and Wells, please contact Matt Vondran with NIRCC at (260) 449-7903 or
*The City of Fort Wayne received its’ own EPA Brownfield Grant, therefore it is not included in the Coalition. Information regarding the City of Fort Wayne’s EPA Brownfield Grant can be obtained by contacting Aliza Tourkow at 260-427-2792 or