
Legal notice: American Mitsuba Declaratory Resolution, Monroeville

Legal notice from the Allen County Department of Planning Services:

Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Monroeville Town Council did pass a Declaratory Resolution on June 6, 2012, at the request of American Mitsuba Corporation to designate 28.35 acres of real estate located at 21530 Monroeville Road in Section 17 of Monroeville Township, as an Economic Revitalization Area. As stated in said Declaratory Resolution, the Council resolved that the designation period for the said property as an Economic Revitalization Area shall be in effect through July 2014, as the designation applies to a deduction of the assessed value of real property and personal property for the increased value of improvements.

Copies of said Declaratory Resolution, along with maps and detailed descriptions of the designated area, are on file and can be inspected by the public at the offices of the Allen County Assessor and the Department of Planning Services located in Room 104 of the City-County Building, One Main Street, and Suite 150 of Citizens Square, 200 E. Berry, Fort Wayne, Indiana, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Notice is further given that the Monroeville Town Council will hold a public hearing on July 11, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall, 104 Allen St, Monroeville, Indiana, to hear and receive remonstrance and objections from persons interested in or affected by said proceedings pertaining to the designation of the above-described parcel of real estate as an Economic Revitalization Area. At said hearing, the Council will consider any written objections filed with either the Allen County Assessor, Monroeville’s Town Council, or the Department of Planning Services prior to the hearing.

After considering the same, the Council shall arrive at a conclusion as to the public utility and benefit of the proposed designation and shall act to confirm, modify and confirm, or rescind the subject Declaratory Resolution. Confirmation of the Resolution would have the effect of allowing property owners of the designated real estate to file with the Allen County Auditor for abatement of certain property taxes pursuant to I.C. 6-1.1-12.1.


American Mitsuba’s website


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