News release from Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation:
Community Center Computer Lab Open House
Providing computer access for citizens of all technical abilitiesThe public is invited to an open house at the Community Center, 233 W. Main Street, 11:30 am – 1 pm, Wednesday, September 14th for the grand opening of a new computer lab built by Community Center volunteers and instructors. Funding for the lab was provided entirely by grants and donations from the Fort Wayne-Allen County Community Center Foundation, PNC’s Charitable Trust and the Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne, providing computer access to citizens of all technical abilities.
The new lab will allow the Community Center to offer more current programs such as Microsoft Office 2010, Windows 7 and Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 at a much lower cost to the community than most area educational institutions. Annually, the lab serves over 400 students by offering 51 classes (6 – 10 week sessions).