
30 Ways in 30 Days To Fight Hunger

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From the Community Harvest Food Bank of Northeast Indiana:

30 Ways in 30 Days To Fight Hunger

If you act on just one, or attempt all 30, you can make a difference!

1. Experience hunger—eat only one meal today and drink water to help “feel full.”
2. Donate peanut butter and canned meats the food bank or your local pantry.
3. Visit to learn what we do and how you can help.
4. Invite friends to “virtual lunch.” Estimate the cost & donate it to Community Harvest.
5. Forward this list to ten friends and post it on your FaceBook page!
6. Volunteer at Community Harvest Food Bank.
7. Try to feed yourself and your family on only $25 for one week.
8. When you “buy one-get one free” donate the free item to Community Harvest.
9. Volunteer to deliver groceries to seniors for Community Harvest’s SeniorPak program.
10. Give up eating out once a week/month and donate money saved to CHFB.
11. Ten friends x $10 to CHFB = $100 which will provide 500 lbs of food for needy families.
12. Save toiletry samples from trips and donate to CHFB’s Senior Pak program.
13. Talk to your friends and co-workers about the hunger issues in northeast Indiana because hunger is largely “invisible.”
14. Determine how many meals you could provide from the food you throw away.
15. Help stock the shelves at the CHFB Community Cupboard.
16. Donate diapers and baby formula to CHFB.
17. Join CHFB’s monthly donor program, Perennial Harvest Monthly Giving Society.
18. Make a monthly donation to CHFB as part of your monthly grocery budget.
19. When shopping at local farmers markets encourage the vendors to donate their unsold products to CHFB.
20. Find out how the Farm Bill legislation helps millions of hungry Americans.
21. Try to live on a SNAP (food stamp) budget and diet for a week or a month.
22. Organize a group to hold a car wash, bake sale, or garage sale for CHFB.
23. Become an advocate for hunger relief. Sign up to receive email advocacy alerts.
24. Donate a gas gift card to help defray the cost of CHFB’s transportation budget.
25. Grow a vegetable garden and donate veggies to CHFB’s Farm Wagon program.
26. Contact your area legislators and advocate for smart hunger relief initiatives in Indiana.
27. Throw your loose change into a bowl for one month and donate it to CHFB!
28. Take a tour of CHFB and find out how you can get involved!
29. Tutor an “at risk” child. Poor education & poverty are the root causes of hunger.
30. Learn how to help throughout the year. Sign up for CHFB’s eNewsletter, become FaceBook fans and follow us on Twitter!


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