
Frontier update

An update to the Frontier post on Monday.

A repairman showed up at our door Tuesday morning.  Within a couple of hours, we were reconnected to the outside world.  It seems the fios line crossing the road in front of our house was ripped apart.  The repairman believed it was snagged by a passing snow plow.  However, the line had been in place for three or four years, so I doubt that.  I personally think the squirrel that caused us an electrical outage earlier in the summer was gnawing on the fios line as well.  The cold, ice, snow perhaps was enough to finish the line off.  Whatever happened, we’re glad to have it back.

But unfortunately, I’ve had other technology-related problems since then.  I have some video which will be posted later this afternoon from Zach Bonahoom’s City Clerk announcement as well as some other tidbits.

Hopefully, things are righted and I can resume a productive blogging life!

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