
Video: AC Election Board pre-election press conference

Last Thursday, the Allen County Election Board held a pre-election press conference to provide some early voting/absentee balloting statistics and last minute developments, updates and news.  Video of the press conference is after the press release.

Press release:

Pre-Election press conference and report by Allen County Election Board members

(October 27, 2010) – Allen County Election Board members conducted its traditional pre-election press conference and report for the purpose of updating the public and media as to existing statistics regarding absentee ballots and early in-office voting as well as to provide updates and information to the voting public with respect to the 2010 mid-term election to be held Tuesday, November 2, 2010.

Absentee Ballot Voting Statistics and Outstanding Ballots

The deadline to request an absentee ballot was midnight on Monday, October 25, 2010. As such, Allen County registered voters are no longer able to request a mailed absentee ballot. The Allen County Election Board encourages those registered voters who are unable to vote at the polls on Tuesday, November 2nd, to utilize early in-office voting being conducted at the City-County Building.

As of 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 27, 2010, the Allen County Election Board had received 6,070 applications for mailed absentee ballots. As of 8:00 a.m., Wednesday, October 27, 2010, the Allen County Election Board reports that 2,127 of the ballots requested and distributed have not been returned and the Allen County Election Board encourages any voter who has requested and received an absentee ballot to return such ballot to the Allen County Election Board. The deadline to return an absentee ballot is 12:00 noon on Tuesday, November 2, 2010.

Early Voting at City-County Building

Registered Allen County voters continue to take advantage of early in-office voting at the City-County Building. As of 8:00 a.m. Wednesday, October 27, 2010, 3,312 voters had utilized the early voting option. This is a dramatic increase from the last mid-term elections conducted in 2006, where a total of 1,247 voters voted early by this time in the election in Allen County, Indiana.

The Allen County Election Board will offer early, in-office voting on the following dates and time:

  • Saturday, October 30, 2010 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; and
  • Monday, November 1, 2010, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

Indiana’s Voter Identification Law applies to all registered voters voting early at the City-County Building, and voters are encouraged to ensure that they have the proper identification prior to arriving at the City-County Building.

Election Day Voting and Polling Locations

The polling locations will be open on Election Day to registered voters of Allen County from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Any voter properly in line to vote as of 6:00 p.m. will be permitted to vote. Registered voters intending to vote on Election Day are encouraged to visit the Allen County Election Board website to confirm their polling location. The website includes both a map and a photo of the building at each poll location within Allen County. Such  information can be located at

In the event any Allen County resident has questions as to whether they are duly registered to vote in the November 2, 2010 election, they are encouraged to contact the Allen County Voter Registration Office at 260-449-7154 or check

Sample Ballots and Voter Preparation

Registered Allen County voters will be faced with a ballot that is between 7 to 9 pages long. As such, the Allen County Election Board encourages voters to visit the Allen County Election Board website at where voters can review a sample ballot and become familiar with the offices as well as the State Constitutional Amendment question regarding property taxes.

Registered Allen County voters should be advised that the State Constitutional Amendment question is a relatively long question which includes two parts (or two paragraphs) within the ballot. Voters should be cautioned, however, that despite the fact that the State Constitutional Amendment question includes two parts encompassing two paragraphs, voters vote only once if voting on the State Constitutional Amendment question. While poll workers will be available to assist voters with the operations of the voting machines, poll workers will not be permitted to assist voters in the meaning, interpretation or purpose of the State Constitutional question.

Registered voters within the 3rd U.S. Congressional District should also be advised that such Congressional Office will appear at two separate locations on the ballot. The Allen County Election Board would like to advise such voters that this is not an error and that this office is on the ballot once to elect a congressman to the 3rd District for the term that ends January 3, 2011, and on the ballot a second time for the two-year term beginning January 3, 2011 through January 3, 2013. The Allen County Election Board would also like to inform the voting public that the Election Board website includes instructional videos on how to use the voting machine as well as instructions on how to fill out and complete absentee ballots.

Finally, registered Allen County voters are reminded that photo identification is required to vote on Election Day. Acceptable photo identification must include the following four criteria:

  • A photo of the voter;
  • A name that conforms to the voter registration record;
  • Include an expiration date either to be current or have expired sometime after the date of the last general election (November 4, 2008), including military IDs with expiration dates of “INDEF”; and
  • Be issued by the State of Indiana or the U.S. Government

In most cases, an Indiana driver license, Indiana photo ID card, Military ID or U.S. Passport is sufficient. A student ID from an Indiana State school may only be used if it meets all of the four criteria specified above. A student ID from a private institution may not be used for voting purposes.




You might also be interested in this interview with Allen County Elections Director Beth Dlug.




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