
Plan Commission to review proposed Downtown Design Standards – 10/11/2010

City of Fort Wayne Seal

Press release from the City of Fort Wayne:

Plan Commission to review proposed Downtown Design Standards
Public Hearing Scheduled; Common Council to Consider Ordinance Amendments this Fall

(September 29, 2010) – The City of Fort Wayne’s Design Manual for new development and exterior renovation projects in the Downtown will be the subject of a public hearing before the Plan Commission on October 11. Anyone interested in speaking on either the proposed design manual or the design manual related amendments to the Zoning and Sign ordinances in City Code will be allowed to offer input during the public hearing, which will begin at 6 p.m. in room 126 of the City County Building.

Once the Plan Commission makes its recommendation on the ordinance amendments and adopts the Design Manual, City Council will vote on the ordinance amendments as the final piece of the downtown design standards project. A cross-functional staff team has been working on this project since July of 2009. An advisory group made up of representatives from City Council, the Plan Commission, the Downtown Improvement District, and business and property owners also assisted in the project.

“Mayor Henry recognizes the renewed interest in our downtown as activities and opportunities center there,” said John Urbahns, division director of Community Development. “This project addresses the ambience, the character of our downtown development and helps ensure that continued growth is in keeping with the vibrant and attractive downtown we all envision.”

Once fully adopted by the Plan Commission and Common Council, the Design and ordinance amendments will provide design direction and guidance to architects, property owners and developers as well as assist staff and the Plan Commission in reviewing new development and redevelopment projects in downtown Fort Wayne. Existing development is not affected. Downtown property owners will be notified by mail of the hearing .The proposed effective date for the ordinance amendments is January 2011.

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The proposed design standards will be applicable in the Downtown CM5A and CM5B zoning districts; the above map shows the boundaries of those districts.

The draft Design Manual and proposed ordinance amendment documents, along with an overview of the downtown design manual project can be viewed online at

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