
County Commissioners Legislative Session notes – 6/4/2010

Allen County Board of Commissioners Seal

The Allen County Board of Commissioners met this morning.

Invent Tomorrow Friends of the Rivers

This is one of the key areas recognized by citizens as desirable.  Cheri Becker, Invent Tomorrow, is before the Commissioners.  They are working with Dan Wire to focus on advocating for improved recreational use of the rivers, education and sustainability.  Commissioner Bill Brown is talking about the process and plans.  There will be accountability and progress measurements updated annually.

Commissioner Nelson Peters is asking when they are anticipating payment.  Cheri is responding that some of those details need to be worked out.  The funds would be given to Invent Tomorrow to be disbursed as the work is completed.  Commissioner Linda Bloom is stating she thinks the payments would start now.  Cheri is stating her understanding is it would be treated as a “grant”.

Cheri is stating their agreement with Dan Wire will be that there is  full accountability and full documentation.  No monies will be paid out until the projects are completed.  Riverfest is June 26th.  It also grew out of some of these conversations.

Agreement approved by all Commissioners.

Co-location MOU

Commissioner Brown is talking about parking concerns.  They don’t want County employees to suffer in a move to Renaissance Square by having to pay more to park.  Commissioner Peters is responding he feels the concerns will be addressed positively.  Commissioner Brown is stating he felt this should have been negotiated out front, rather than now.

Currently, the agreement reads:

[…] In addition, the City agrees to assist Allen County in locating ample, convenient parking for its employees moving to 200 East Berry.

Commissioner Brown feels it needs to be more specific.

He is now talking about,

[…] In addition, the City will seek to appropriate One Million Dollars to assist in making the City-County Building functional for the unique needs of the City’s Police Department.

Commissioner Brown feels it isn’t clear.  He would prefer it say the, “City will provide, rather than ‘seek to appropriate.'”

Commissioners Brown and Bloom feel the above parking concern is a big deal, but she feels it will be worked out.

MOU approved unanimously.

W.A. Sheets agreement

County Councilman Larry Brown helped to determine WA Sheets would be best.


Design Collaborative

Were going to wait, but decided makes more sense now. Money already paid into the project will go toward the architectural work.  Commissioner Brown feels going with Design Collaborative is better than going with a new, different firm.


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