
Fort Wayne Area PTA Council named Outstanding Council

PTA Council

Press release from Fort Wayne Community Schools announcing that the Fort Wayne Area PTA Council has been named Outstanding Council.

FWCS PTAs recognized for outstanding efforts

Fort Wayne, Indiana (April 22, 2010) Several Fort Wayne Community Schools PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) and PTSA (Parent-Teacher-Student Association) groups received honors during the Indiana PTA Convention for their efforts in promoting schools and parent involvement.

For the third time in four years, the Fort Wayne Area PTA Council was named Outstanding Council. The council was recognized for its new Fathers Being Involved campaign. The Area Council was also given an Outstanding Website Award.

The Outstanding Teacher Award went to Chris Grinstead at Shawnee Middle School, and the Outstanding Volunteer Award went to Tony Distelrath from the Jefferson Middle School PTSA.

PTAs from Northrop High School, Forest Park Elementary School and Jefferson Middle School were named Honor Units during the convention. In addition to the Area Council, PTAs from Croninger and Shawnee were given an Outstanding Website Award.

Several schools were recognized for increasing parent involvement with growing membership. Arlington Elementary, Bunche/Towles, Franke Park Elementary, Jefferson Middle School, Holland Elementary and Shawnee Middle School increased membership by 25 percent. Elmhurst High School, Price Elementary, Forest Park Elementary, Indian Village Elementary, Memorial Park Middle School, Miami Middle School, Northwood Middle School, Portage Middle School, Harris Elementary School, Shawnee Middle School and Study Elementary increased membership by 50 percent.

Forest Park earned an Outstanding Membership Achievement Award, and, for the second consecutive year, Northrop High School was named a member of the “500 Club” for having at least 500 PTSA members.

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