
Troyer signs pledge to repeal health care bill

Phil Troyer for Congress, official campagin photo.

Press release from Phil Troyer, Republican candidate in the 2010 primary for the 3rd District Congressional seat:

Troyer signs pledge to repeal health care bill

(January 19, 2010) Republican congressional candidate Phil Troyer today signed the “Repeal It!” pledge circulated by The Club for Growth. The pledge, which has been signed by 21 Members of Congress and 84 House and Senate candidates, reads as follows:

“I, Phillip J. Troyer, hereby pledge to the people of my district (IN-3) upon my election to the U.S. House of Representatives, to sponsor and support legislation to repeal any federal health care takeover passed in 2010, and replace it with real reforms that lower health care costs without growing government.”

“Voters are looking for real commitments from candidates this year, not campaign slogans,” noted Troyer. “With this pledge and the ‘Class of 2010 – Compact with America’ that I announced last Thursday, I am telling the voters exactly what I will do if I have the honor of being elected their next congressman. It is time we hold Members of Congress accountable. If I break any of the promises I make during this campaign, I would hope the voters would throw me out of office and try again with another candidate – just as I am asking them to hold Congressman Souder accountable for his voting record on spending issues and failure to push for real reform during his 16 years in Washington.”

Phil Troyer for Congress website

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