
AC Commissioners letter to Mayor Henry

The Allen County Commissioners have sent a letter to Mayor Tom Henry regarding the Working Group’s presentation last week on proposals for the Renaissance Square building co-location.

Text of the letter:

October 5, 2009

The Honorable Tom Henry
Mayor, City of Fort Wayne
1 E. Main St.
Room 900
Fort Wayne, IN 46802

Dear Mayor Henry:

Since the September 30 presentation by the City-County Facilities Working Group, the Allen County Commissioners have been examining the group’s recommendations and observations with respect to joint usage of the City-County Building and the former Renaissance Square building.

While we have reached no final decisions or conclusions, there is a consensus that two of the four scenarios presented deserve greater consideration – #2 “Public Safety Co-located at 200 East Berry Street,” and #3 “Public Safety Co-located in the City-County Building.”

We feel that these two scenarios best reflect our original philosophy of bringing together the City’s public safety agencies and certain elements of the County Sheriff’s Department in one building while at the same time preserving the relationship between similarly functioning City and County departments. We believe scenarios 2 and 3 would allow us to achieve greater operating efficiencies for our respective government units and provide even more fiscally responsible government for all the taxpayers of Fort Wayne and Allen County.

It is our desire to find out if you and your staff have formulated any opinions on the scenarios presented by the Working Group so we can determine the direction of future discussions on this matter. We would also be interested in your thoughts regarding some form of joint ownership of the two buildings as we had earlier suggested and was discussed by the chairman of the Working Group during the conclusion of his presentation.

We would appreciate a response to this letter by Friday, October 9, if possible. Again, we are committed to working with the City on a building and space plan and will continue to devote the resources necessary to keep this process moving forward.


The Board of Commissioners of the County of Allen, Indiana

A pdf of the original letter may be downloaded here.

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