Calhoun Street widening; High Performance Government comments

The Fort Wayne City Council

The ordinance for the Calhoun Street widening project was introduced this evening in the Regular Session of the Fort Wayne City Council.

The ordinance digest reads:

AN ORDINANCE approving construction contract #7203-2008, Calhoun Street Streetscape Conversion between Hipskind Concrete and the City of Fort Wayne, Indiana, in connection with the Board of Public Works - Total cost of $1,006,300

Comments were made during the citizen open mic time by Jim Sack, Mac Parker, Noel Knox and another gentleman.  Unfortunately, I was running close on video tape and didn’t tape the last speaker.  Mr. Sack and Mr. Parker both presented signed petitions to the City Council in opposition of the project.

In case you’re not familiar with the project, this will remove the planters, trees and much of the sidewalk in the two block stretch on Calhoun Street between Berry and Jefferson Boulevard.  This is one of the most beautiful pedestrian friendly stretches of our downtown.  The plans, if I remember correctly, will provide for on-street parking and turn the stretch into two-way traffic.

This will be an interesting discussion, and the project will be funded with CEDIT Bond monies which will add interest and bonding fees to the cost.

John B. Kalb also addressed the City Council reminding them of the High Performance Government Network’s promise to demonstrate the savings they were delivering to the City.



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