
Auditor organizes Fiscal Summit for County taxing units

Press release from Allen County:

Auditor Organizes Fiscal Summit for County Taxing Units

All taxing units in Allen County will have the chance to learn how recent changes in state law will impact their budgets at a special Fiscal Summit next Tuesday at 10 a.m. in the City-County Building Omni Room.

The summit is being organized and hosted by Allen County Auditor Lisa Blosser. “There have been so many legislative changes that I thought hearing from the experts would be very timely before County Council begins its review budget process and makes recommendations,” Blosser explained.

Among those scheduled to make presentations at the summit are State Auditor Tim Berry, Karen Large of the Department of Local Government Finance, and Todd Samuelson, CPA with H.J. Umbaugh & Associates. There will also be an opportunity for the local units to discuss community planning, priorities and anticipated capital needs.

“The Fiscal Summit will be the time local taxing units can gather together to plan and set priorities for our community,” Blosser said. “Recent law changes have made communication between different layers of government essential. Any governmental unit that significantly increases its property tax levy changes the collectable levy of every other unit in the areas where the circuit breaker is in effect. Hopefully this summit will increase understanding of the unique challenges each taxing unit faces to meet the expectations of their taxpayers.”

Because of the importance of the discussion, the Fiscal Summit will be televised live on the City of Fort Wayne’s Public Access Channels (channel 58 on Comcast and channel 28 on Verizon).

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