
New Allen County website design and blog

Screen capture of Allen County website

The Allen County website has undergone a design change.  I haven’t had much time to poke around yet, but I certainly like the new look.  Hopefully the information provided has been redesigned for ease of use and completeness.  The former website left a bit to be desired in these two areas.

Also new, is the Allen County Blog.  The first post is worth noting here:

Welcome to our new Allen County blog, part of our updated and improved website. When I [Mike Green] became PIO for Allen County a year ago, one of my first goals was to seek out and use all of the “new media” opportunities for sharing information about county government. We’ve been providing video clips about county government on our “allencountyinfo” YouTube channel since last May. And last month, we began making our information available on our “Allen County Info” Facebook group page and through Twitter. This blog is the next step in open, two-way communication between government and its constituents.

Chris Cloud, Executive Assistant to the Commissioners, and I intend to used this blog to share information about the workings of county government with you. We’ll also accept questions and comments — both positive and negative — on various topics involving county government. But be warned — this is not intended to be a free-for-all, bare-knuckles political discussion forum. 

Good luck with that last part.  LOL

Seriously, the County deserves a pat on the back!

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