
Website changes coming this week… UPDATE – 1/27/2009

I’ve been keeping you aprised of the situation with this blog.  Last night, we encountered some problems setting up the new server.  Hopefully these will be solved later today.  In the mean time, there may be a lapse as I wait for the domain name transfer to be completed.  Hopefully, I will be able to convince the host I’m leaving to change the DNS settings for the domain name so that it will kick over with little downtime.  If this does not happen, there might be a period of a day or two when you’re unable to access the site.  As soon as I’m able, I’ll post the IP address for the new location, however, the blog may look a little hinky if it works at all without the domain name being resolved.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Worst case scenario, I’m thinking everything should be resolved by Friday at the latest.  DO NOT delete your RSS feeds, if you subscribe via a newsreader.  Once the domain name settings are correct, that feed will once again be valid.  Same thing with bookmarks – don’t change anything.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

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