
Jill Long Thompson Visit

Jill Long Thompson, Indiana Gubernatorial Candidate was in the Fort today.  She visited Superior Manufacturing on Calhoun Street to pitch her Health Care Proposal.  She picked Superior Manufacturing because it is a prime example of a small business that wants to be able to provide health insurance for it’s employees, but finds the expense to be prohibitive.  I’m not going to go into all the details or questions asked by the various media people present as I’m sure they’ll do a much better job than I could ever aspire.   Ben Lank of the Journal Gazette and Bob Caylor with the News-Sentinel were in attendance and asked some questions – look in tomorrow’s newspapers for their articles. For me, I’ll stick to what I do best – photos.

Related weblinks:
Hoosiers For Jill
Health Care Proposal Press Release
The Health Care Proposal

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