

AFW Stats

2 0 1 0 Wrap-up


This graph shows the annual page views for the website since its inception back in 2004.


This graph shows total annual visits for the website since its inception back in 2004.


Total overall visits in the 2010 calendar year.


Advertisers for the 2010 calendar year included: A Conley Christmas album, An Acoustic Evening with Lyle Lovett and John Hiatt, Aunt Millie's, G.I. Joe's Army Surplus Store, The Great Panes Glass Co., Historic West Main Street Farmer's Market, Holley Management, Hyde Bros. Book Store, Our Space Fort Wayne, The TinCaps and The Wood Shack.  Of those ads that were enabled to 'click-thru' to the advertiser's website, a total of 3,866 click-thru's were registered for an average of 430 per ad.

Political candidates that advertised on the site during the 2010 calendar year included: Mike Avila, Mike Conley, Wendy Davis, Lewis Griffin, Tom Hayhurst, Kevin Howell, Paul Hughes, Maye Johnson, John McGauley, Jack Morris and Tom Wyss.  Of those ads that were enabled to 'click-thru' to the advertiser's website, a total of 1,969 click-thru's were registered for an average of 164 per ad.


Alexa logo

At the end of 2010, the AroundFortWayne.com website had the following Alexa traffic rankings:


  • World Wide - 1,013,021
  • in the USA - 115,841

Since the start of 2011, AFW is now within the top 640,000 world wide and 52,000 in the USA.  Traffic for the month of January, thus far is up 35% and will only continue to climb with the upcoming City-wide election coverage this year.


Return to the AFW Advertising page.

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AroundFortWayne is a website with the goal of highlighting the positives of our community, while providing a 'straight from the source' resource to those interested.