
On September 11, 2014, we sat down with Democrat challenger Austin Carpenter and talked about campaign for the Allen County Council's 4th District seat.


The complete interview



View as a YouTube Playlist or download the podcast.


Jump to:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Why Austin is running.
  3. Top 3 issues facing the Allen County Council.
  4. Government's role in economic development.
  5. Clawbacks in tax deferrals (abatements).
  6. Infrastructure.
  7. Public-private partnerships.
  8. Allen County Board of Commissioners referendum.
  9. County Council division of the referendum is successful.
  10. Budget surplus.
  11. Conclusion.


Segment 1



Segment 2



Segment 3



Segment 4



Segment 5



Segment 6



Segment 7



Segment 8



Segment 9



Segment 10



Segment 11



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